The Egyptian Grasshopper 2
» The Egyptian Grasshopper 2
Hello again! I'm sorry not to have been in touch, but ill health has kept me away. I'm only now beginning to feel a little better, but not up to visiting just yet. I just thought that I would let you know. All these photos were taken in the garden this year, when I was deadheading some Hydrangeas. The green grasshopper gave me quite a start, as I only saw it just before I was about to cut off the flower. It is only my second sighting of the Egyptian Grasshopper, the first being in the Algarve wetlands, in April last year. I will resume regular blogging, as soon as I'm able to visit you all.:) |
The Egyptian Grasshopper Anacridium aegyptium |
This is the female. The males are not so decorative, |
In this shot you can see that the hind tibia, has two rows of spines..... |
These spiny projections on the underside of the legs, help them to cling to vertical surfaces. |
The large impressive female grasshopper is one of the largest European Grasshoppers. |
They are harmless to humans, and although the species is folivore, they do very little damage to leaves. |
This one was olive green in colour, but they can be grey or brown. |
They fly very well,, but thankfully this one stayed still as I took these shots. |
The pronuptum, ( the shield type shape behind the head,) is distinctly ridged, like plates of armour. |