Algarve and the Hoopoe
» Algarve and the Hoopoe
Looking for Hoopoe's in the Algarve is one of our favourite pass times. We can sit for hours in the car just talking, and waiting to see if one appears in their favourite hunting grounds. They are very shy, and one false move on our part can startle them into flight, so we partially cover the car with green camouflaged netting, and play the waiting game, with our sandwiches and drinks and usually plenty of optimism. We had seen several on the wing, but not close enough to get any decent shots. Towards the end of out stay, I was feeling a little despondent, but then one evening as we were making our way home, Americo spotted one by the side of the road in the far distance, so he slowed down, whilst we pondered what course of action to take. We decided to chance getting as near to them as we dared, .....whilst I positioned myself, camera at the ready with my head and shoulders through the window, believe me it was awkward, but as it turned out, worth all the waiting and discomfort. |
Unexceptional shots I know, but considering the distance we had to keep, and the quickly fading light, they're not bad. |
This is probably the best pose. |
You might wonder what he was doing on this dusty stone filled road,... |
Well, he was probing for earth worms and mollusks under the stones , but on the move all the time up the road. |
We saw the Hoopoe roll some over with his long pointed beak, and although we were too far away to get a good eye view |
of what he found, there are many snails in this area, which make a hearty meal for a Hoopoe. |
I was glad he was out on the road, and not hidden by the dense undergrowth on the verge. |
At one point I thought he was going to disappear into the tall grass, but the stones were more of an attraction. |
Every so often I shouted STOP, as my over zealous husband got too near, and from past experience I know this would spook it into flight. |
Keeping our distance, was the only reason he did not move on to his other hunting places,.. |
and we followed him for at least ten minutes,... |
and then to our delight, he was joined by another Hoopoe! |
As this post is already rather long, I'll share more shots of them both, on another post. |