It had been years since I had seen a Monarch Butterfly.We used to see them in September about the time of the grape harvest, but in many a year, there had been no sign of them, so a Monarch butterfly was also on my list to look out for. I know that most butterflies are attracted to the Lantana flowers, so that is where I looked for them, and eventually found just one, so here are a few captures, together with a few more butterflies and two moths.
Click on the link if you would like to see more critters. A big thank you to Eileen for hosting her fun meme Saturday's Critters. SATURDAY'S CRITTERS
The Monarch, Danaus plexippus |
I had hoped to get a shot of their beautiful wings wide open, but no such luck. |
The female Common Blue Polyommatus icarus (Lycaenidae) |
The Swallowtail Papilio machaon (Papilionidae) |
The Swallowtail papilio machaon (Papilionidae) |
The Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius ( Papilionidae) |
The Sloe Hairstreak Satyrium acaciae (Lycaenidae) |
Hummingbird Hawk moth in repose. |
A closer look at this moth. |
Scarce Swallowtail |
The Hummingbird Hawk Moth |
Click on the link if you would like to see more critters. A big thank you to Eileen for hosting her fun meme Saturday's Critters. SATURDAY'S CRITTERS