
Algarve and Butterflies

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It had been years since I had seen a Monarch Butterfly.We used to see them in September about the time of the grape harvest, but in many a year, there had been no sign of them, so a Monarch butterfly was also on my list to look out for. I know that most butterflies are attracted to the Lantana flowers, so that is where I looked for them, and eventually found just one, so here are a few captures, together with a few more butterflies and two moths.  

The Monarch,  Danaus plexippus


I had hoped to get a shot of their beautiful wings wide open, but no such luck.


The female Common Blue  Polyommatus icarus  (Lycaenidae)

The  Swallowtail  Papilio machaon  (Papilionidae)

The Swallowtail   papilio machaon  (Papilionidae)

The Scarce Swallowtail  Iphiclides  podalirius  ( Papilionidae)

The Sloe Hairstreak   Satyrium acaciae   (Lycaenidae)

Hummingbird Hawk moth in repose.

A closer look at this moth.

Scarce Swallowtail

The Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Click on the link if you would like to see more critters. A big thank you to Eileen for hosting her fun meme Saturday's Critters. SATURDAY'S CRITTERS