
A Monastery for Good Fences.

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The Monastery of Roriz was founded in the late 11th century by Dom Toure Sernao. Later in the 12th Century (1173) the king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, donated it to the friars of Santa Cruz of Coimbra, taking therefore the rule of Saint Augustine, and it was in fact these Canons that constructed the monastic church of Roriz, and their work extended throughout the 13th century.

The Monastery of Roriz 

It is classified as a National Monument.

We only saw the exterior, but it was well worth a visit...

just to see the architecture...

and tread the stone paths that people had trodden all those centuries ago...

and see what they would have seen.

babies being babtized here...

and monks passing through this gate.

I don't know if there would have been daisy-like flowers growing between the stones!:)

But I know the monks made their own wine and vineyards are all around.

View from the Monastery
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