
Caterpillar Quandary for Good Fences.

Large Rectangle

Our Balcony where I found the caterpillar on a potted fern.

I took off a frond to better photograph them.

A closer look at the design. This caterpillar will eventually become a moth.

The moth is a Callopistria Latreillei,  Latriell's Latin Moth. I took my fill of photographs, and...

a view from the balcony.

When it moved underneath to munch away at the tender leaves. I turned the frond upside down.

I eventually relocated it to some other ferns in a sheltered spot, but not on my balcony or garden.

Our back fence covered in Sta Teresa Roses.

A view of our front driveway with the Azáleas in full bloom.
There are thousands of European caterpillars, and I have seen several hundreds of images to look for an ID, but none of them look like this one. I'm hoping that someone might recognize it! My thanks to fellow blogger and good friend Nick Morgan fom Butterfly Pictures, for finding the ID of this pretty caterpiller. The name is Callopistria latreillei Latrielles Latin Moth. Thank you again Nick!:)