
Sausage and Cabbage and more Farm Photos for Good Fences

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First of all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all, and I do hope it's a good year for everyone. Getting back to blogging has been a struggle,  but it just hasn't been possible until now, and unfortunately I dropped my camera a month ago on a stone floor, and  two small pieces broke inside, but only one can be replaced. My camera is useless without that vital piece, so I'm feeling a bit gloomy without it, and having to rely on saved posts until I buy another one. Counting my blessings however, as I know it's only a small inconvenience in this world we live in, where so many disadvantaged  people go without so much. A fun photo of Mel to begin the year, ... she brings so much joy into our lives, and I'm grateful for every moment we spend with her.

I love this photo of Mel amongst the cabbages, as most of them are bigger than her! :)

I see a heart on mums side.


Looks a bit grumpy!

Far too busy to look up!


Young and curious!

Docile and content!

A cute fluffy ball!

Proud mum with her young!

That's all folks!
If you would like to see more fences, gates, and railings, and more crittetrs, just click on the links.Many thanks to Theresa and Eileen for hosting these fab memes.