The Grey Heron Ardea cinerrea |
I saw them with the binoculars, and it was one of those times when I wished I had a boat, and could get nearer to them. |
There were two Herons, and a few Cormorants. |
The Heron on the left was making it's way towards the one on the right side of the island. |
He stood up tall to check for the other heron which was half hidden by the grass. |
The other Heron was now keen to reveal himself`/ herself |
So he preceded to wade across. |
This is the heron on the right in the company of a few cormorants and a duck. |
Oh dear, is it really disinterest or just playing hard to get!:) |
Only a few seagulls here, and a heron.. |
Another cropped picture |
I enjoyed the day out with hubby, and will return to the estuary to check out more birds very soon. |