
Figuring it out.

Large Rectangle

Does anyone else see what I see here?

As I pass this tree every day, after about six months I took another photo. See anything yet!

Over time, after about two years, as the bark weathered the image began to change,

Enlarged picture of what it looks like now.

These are the cones on the highest branches of our enormous  Pinheiro Manso.

Last year tiny red flowers appeared on them, and we were amazed as this is the first time we have ever seen this. We first planted it over thirtyfive  years ago after it had been our Christmas tree, and to our knowledge it has never bloomed before.  

Has anyone ever seen this occurence before?
Yesterday my son figured out what was wrong with the computer. A vírus had installed itself, and caused all the trouble. I'm up and running again,with a little puzzle for you, to figure out.